Climate strategy and decarbonisation pathway
Climate Strategy
Enedis - CSR Department | France
CSR Department
Climate Strategy

Nicolas PERRIN, Head of CSR Unit, Communication and CSR division, Enedis
We support Enedis in its efforts to reduce its carbon footprint by updating its climate strategy. As the main operator of the public electricity distribution network in France, Enedis is evolving and innovating on a daily basis to accelerate its ecological transition and its carbon assessment. Enedis has a Low Carbon Strategy, created in 2020, based on its 2017 carbon assessment exercise. This strategy sets targets to cut carbon emissions by 20% by 2025, and to implement carbon offsetting by 2030. The framework in which the pathway was originally defined (SDA 2°C and AEC<2°C) has evolved over time. The benchmark target is now 1.5°C with carbon pathway scenarios based on energy mix assumptions that have evolved.
To support our client in his Low Carbon Strategy, Urbanomy:
- Provided an update of the Enedis Low Carbon Strategy for GHG reduction, through an update of the 2017 Carbon Footprint and the Decarbonisation Roadmap, decarbonisation tools and action plan.
- Defined the methodology and evaluation of avoided GHG emissions, especially by integrating them into the Low Carbon Strategy.
- Carried out a scoping exercise for the GHG Offset Strategy by providing scenarios on offsetting, including a financial analysis and robust communication elements.
- Updated the decarbonisation strategy and quantified the deviations from the path defined in the Low Carbon Strategy 2025 and recommends adjustments if necessary.